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CICD – passwords and settings to config?

… and keeping them out of the code in GIT? 

Let’s say you have a larger config file with a pile of items that you want to fill in while deploying, but don’t want to keep in git, such as settings or credentials?

At the same time, you want to test things while developing, without having to set up credentials etc all the time, copying files in and out, or quickly configure things for deploying / testing against different targets..

This obviously does not take away from the use of live secret management,
such as aws secrets manager and others, but is suitable for more “static” solutions,
or fundamental configurations required for base setups.



  • Create a new vault in the 1Password, like “CICD”
  • Create the item, and name it as you please, no spaces in the name, like.. “app-config”.
  • In the item, say a secure note called ‘general-creds’ , create a field and name it “json”. 
  • In this json field, store the json as an array of key/value sets, like this: 
       "cred": [
            { "key_1": "value 1" }, 
            { "key_2": "value 2" }, 
            .... and so on. 
  • and this shellscript; 
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    ROOT="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")"
    # Check if the required arguments are provided
    if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
       echo "Usage: $0 <1pass vault/item> <template_file>"
       exit 1
    # Read the JSON file and template file
    # Get the credentials from the 1Password
    op read "op://${path}/json" > 1p-credfile.json
    # Validate that the JSON file exists
    if [ ! -f "1p-credfile.json" ]; then
        echo "Error: JSON file '1p-credfile.json' does not exist."
        exit 1
    # Validate that the template file exists
    if [ ! -f "$template_file" ]; then
        echo "Error: Template file '$template_file' does not exist."
        exit 1
    # Read the JSON content and template content from the files
    json="$(cat "1p-credfile.json")"
    template="$(cat "$ROOT/$template_file")"
    # Use jq to traverse the JSON array and replace placeholders
    result=$(echo "$json" | jq -r --arg template "$template" '
       reduce .cred[] as $item ($template; 
       reduce ($item | to_entries[]) as $kv (.;
         gsub("\\[\\[" + $kv.key + "\\]\\]"; $kv.value))
    # Output the replaced string
    echo "$result"
    # Clean up after ourselves. 
    if [ -e 1p-credfile.json ] ; then rm -f 1p-credfile.json ; fi
  • .. and a config template file (or other file), like this, inserting the key names in double hard brackets, such as [[keyname]]
       "configValue1": "[[key_1]]",
       "configValue2": "[[key_2]]"

Putting it all to work… 

In your Makefile or similar, use the script as: 

./ “<vault>/<item>” “<source_file>”  > “<target_file>”


./ CICD/app-config config-template.json > config.json

and the output – config.json, would become ;

   "configValue1": "value 1",
   "configValue2": "value 2"

… just don’t forget to mark the resulting “config.json” as an exluded file in git!
(and obviously, this would work on other text files as well,  including source code for replacing values / settings having the source in 1pass.)
