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GPS Location?

Need a routine to determine if a lat/long is inside or outside a specific area?

Here’s a Golang routine for this, that can be easily adopted to any other language.

 * Free to use as you see fit. 

package GPS

type polygon [][]float64

// Enter the lat,long coordinates (min 3)
// poly := [][]float64{ { 1,1 }, { 1,2 }, { 2,2 }, { 2,1 } ... {1,1}}
// Make sure the polygon coordinates are specified in the correct order,
// typically in a counter-clockwise direction, and that the last vertex is
// the same as the first one to close the polygon.
// in := inside(1.5, 1.5, poly) --> True
// in := inside(2.5, 1.5, poly) --> False

// Test if a GPS coordinate is inside the bounding box
func Inside(latitude float64, longitude float64, boundary polygon) bool {
    inside := false

    j := len(boundary) - 1
    for i := 0; i < len(boundary); i++ {

       xi := boundary[i][0]
       yi := boundary[i][1]

       xj := boundary[j][0]
       yj := boundary[j][1]

       // Crossing the border of the polygon?
       intersect := ((yi > latitude) != (yj > latitude)) && 
                    (longitude < (xj-xi)*(latitude-yi)/(yj-yi)+xi)

       if intersect {
          inside = !inside
       j = i

    return inside


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The Noble 8-fold path of development

…. or maybe not so noble,
but more a tactical assault on the problem.

  1. Slap some stuff together
  2. Understand what you did, what it does, and what it should do.
    If you don’t or it doesn’t, revert to 1…
  3. Fix the remains so it does what it was supposed to do,
    in a passable fashion.
  4. Run it by some innocent victim (aka guinea pig or co-worker),
    and see about their reaction.

    If bad, revert to step 3.
  5. Prettify, if required…(trust me, it is.)
  6. Do a QA / code review with your peers (guinea pigs),
    and when the number of Whiskey Tango Foxtrots/minute
    goes below 1, you are generally safe to proceed.
  7. Release the product.
  8. Duck/Hide under the table, wait for the client fallout and bugs to be reported.
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When things go untested…

This shows the importance of fundamental testing of code in Dev and Staging, BEFORE pushing to prod,
no matter the urgency, unless you are absolutely sure it will work and it is an emergency, or, of course,
you are out of options and ready to take the risk of burning down the house…

What could possibly go wrong, right?